Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain

It's already time to start heading south towards home, but we have a few more stops to make.
After our late night at the rodeo, we were up only a few hours later to start packing up the truck.
Our first stop along the way...
Uncle L & Aunt H2's house!
We were excited to see all of them, but mostly to see the little guy in the orange...
he's my newest nephew and he was born while we were on our vacation, so it was perfect timing!
Glad you made it cute little Cousin C!

After a quick visit - we were on the road again...
headed here -

The Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple Open House.

It was the last day, so it was pretty crowded. We spent quite a bit of time waiting in a tent to watch the welcome video. As we waited Handsome Hubby was going over a pamphlet about the temple with Bubba. When Bubba saw the picture of the baptismal font he asked, "Why is the baptismal font sitting on the back of a bunch of water buffalo?"

A little while later, I asked Bubba to tell me about the pictures, when he got to the picture of one of the sealing rooms he said, "And of course, this is the Upside Down Room." "What?" I asked in confusion. Bubba pointed up towards the roof of the tent we were sitting in... "You know, Mom," with a tone of exasperation, "the ceiling room."

At least we know a couple of good topics for some upcoming Family Home Evenings ;)

The boys all enjoyed going to the temple - OTG Boy seemed especially excited to have the opportunity to see what it is like inside a temple.

After the temple we stopped for a visit with my Grandpa and Grandma. It was a good visit and it was a great opportunity to introduce them to Junior. The boys especially enjoyed the ice cream cones! That's one thing you can always count on at my grandparents house - an ice cream cone. My kids always talk about the ice cream cones - and think they're the best they've had!

We spent the night in Richfield, again, and then it was all about driving home. As we were driving Bubba recognized some mountains by the Grand Canyon, he looked at me with concern, “these look like mountains in our desert.” “They are,” I said, “we’re going home.” “What?!?” he said, “I thought we were going back to Grandpa’s House!” Then through tears he softly said, “I had so much more I wanted Grandpa to teach me.”

I think we all feel a little bit like Bubba - it was a wonderful vacation - we enjoyed grandparents and cousins so much. We love Arizona, but we miss our family and love all of you more than we can say!

1 comment:

Blake & Melissa said...

I wish you guys had let me know y'all were here!! We could have gotten together!!!