Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So, blogging kind of fell by the wayside for awhile... turns out being a mom took away some of that free time this year... between virtual schooling (for the first year), an infant/now toddler running around the house, primary calling and all the "stuff" a growing family finds themselves participating in... I got a little busy. You know what? I wouldn't have it any other way - I love being a MOM and I love my family!
So, you see the guy with the big smile on his face teaching my little brother how to shoot the 22?
He's my Grandpa!
Grandpa passed away last week. I miss him.
I am incredibly lucky to have him as my Grandpa.
He loved his family, he loved adventure, he loved this earth, he loved learning! He's one of the smartest people I've ever met.
As a kid I loved the adventures of camping and water skiing... it was also fun when my Grandpa was the only person I knew with a home computer - I thought that was the coolest thing ever (Grandpa was a techie, too).
As a teenager, I loved to learn about World War II and listen to Grandpa & Grandma's experiences as they travelled the world.
As a college student, I visited any time I could... BYU was just down the street.
Once I got married I loved talking with Grandpa about our trips as we'd drive back to Utah. He'd always get so excited when I'd tell him about our adventure, the path we travelled the places we stopped.
During the funeral as my Uncle was describing the way my Grandparents travel - always stopping to see the landmarks, admire the beauty and enjoy the adventure, Handsome Hubby would give me a nudge and smile. Why? Totally me... I can never get in the car and just go... we have to stop, we need to learn about the sites... we need to take in the adventure. When Handsome Hubby tells me I'm just like my Grandpa, that's the best compliment I could ever receive.
Love you Grandpa! I'm thankful families can be forever! Say "hi" to my little angel!

1 comment:

Barbie said...

beautiful tribute!