Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can We Eat This?

Can you really eat one of these?

Our family orders our fruits and veggies through a coop called Bountiful Baskets. Every other week we go pick up our basket and never know quite what to expect and it's been very good for us. Most things I know how to cook - but when we found three artichokes in the basket I must admit... I've never even eaten one... let alone, cooked one!

Thank goodness for the Internet - a few recipe searches and one instructional video later I gave it a go and it turned out pretty well. Everyone, including Bubba, gave it a try... and EVERYONE agreed they thought it was pretty good.

By the way it was a pretty good deal... we pay $15 for our entire basket and while I was in the store I happened to see artichokes on sale for Easter and noticed they were 2 for $4. They were just a small part of our large basket of fresh produce and in the store I would have spent $6 just for them. Boy am I glad I get a BOUNTIFUL basket!


Blake & Melissa said...

I would have had no clue what to do with them either! They look good though!

Lara said...

You are a brave one! Glad you all enjoyed the artichokes.

Your little one is so cute!