Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Name and a Blessing

Here's Junior on his blessing day...
he was a great boy - wide awake, but not a sound.
And Handsome Hubby gave a beautiful blessing.
*Stats Update: Junior recently had his two month check-up - looked great! He is now 24 inches tall and weighs 10lbs. 13oz. He also had his first round of shots... hated it... every time he looked at me the rest of the day he cried.


Cindy and Larry said...

He looks adorable!

FloridaGrandparents said...

What a cute picture! He must be doing really well to be growing like that. That's great!

Blake & Melissa said...

He is soooo cute, just like your other boys! Growing up way too fast...

Glad he cooperated for the blessing--none of my kids ever did!