Tuesday, August 4, 2009


After spending the night in Richfield we meandered up through Central Utah and stopped here...

The Manti Temple!
It is one of my most favorite places in all the world...
a beautiful fairy tale temple standing out in the middle of nowhere.
What makes it even more "cool" is it's history...
"Part of the little we know of his [Moroni's] travels derives from an account of an incident that occurred on April 25, 1877, the day the Manti Temple site was dedicated. Early that morning, President Brigham Young is reported to have gone to the site and said, “Here is the spot where the Prophet Moroni stood and dedicated this piece of land for a temple site, and that is the reason why the location is made here, and we can’t move it from this spot.”" (Ensign 1978, "Moroni", by W. Cole Durham, Jr.)
My boys thought that was amazing!
After walking around the grounds we drove across the street to the cemetery. I sat in the car, parked in the shade to feed Junior... the cool breeze was perfect and the boys had the fun of exploring the cemetery. One of their favorite finds... the headstone of a man who translated the Book of Mormon into Danish and OTG Boy found a few (headstones) belonging to some of our ancestors... very fun!

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