The Professor's view of the world is a little bit different from most. His peers don't understand why he's not "like everybody else." Adults are amazed at his knowledge on almost any subject. He says it like he sees it - and reacts with great emotion to the world around him.
This past Sunday, I was in Primary to help Bubba share the 12th Article of Faith - I was sitting up front with another Mom (and good friend) who was going to help her daughter give the Opening Prayer. Well, when it came time for the prayer this cute little girl wanted nothing to do with it and started to scream and cry - when the Professor stood-up in the very back row and announced to the room, "Attention, we are experiencing some technical difficulties."
My first reaction - that kind of behavior is so inappropriate! But after I analyzed the situation (as I often have to do) I realized he wasn't saying that to be silly, he wasn't saying it to hurt somebody's feelings - he was just saying, so everyone could understand, sometimes we just have "technical difficulties." If anyone knows what it is like to be overwhelmed in the situation - The Professor knows.
I admire that he puts in to practice -everyday - what he has learned in his therapies. I admire that even though the kids around him pick at him and make his day hard - he still keeps trying. I know he's not perfect (who is?), but I have seen how far he's come - each day is a lot of work for my little Professor and I admire who he is becoming - a very strong, but empathetic young man.
As the father of the little "technical difficulty" we thought the comment was cute and lightening. It's amazing to learn about Asperger. We love The Professor and the entire HaHa family.
We love The Professor too. It makes us happy to see him having empathy for others when they need it. We wish ya'll the best in all you're learning and doing. Love ya'll!
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